Quantireal's Integrated Cross-platform toolKit, or QuICK, is an application development and deployment platform. As a host platform for scientific and computational libraries and applications, QuICK helps reduce code fragmentation, while fostering creative development autonomy in your domain. The platform provides extensible programming constructs with diverse data types that are automatically translated into graphical user interface objects. QuICK supports APIs in multiple programming languages and has several graphically programmable attributes. It is privacy focused and was built with user data isolation in mind. QuICK adheres to a ‘program once and deploy everywhere' philosophy, by supporting multiple operating systems and architectures. All Quantireal applications and algorithmic libraries are developed and published on QuICK. Read on to learn more.

Data persistence and multiple data type support

Persistent data model with support for diverse data types

Auto-adaptive user interface

Auto-generative, auto-adaptive and intuitive user interface

APIs available in multiple programming languages

Multiple programming languages supported through APIs

Extensible core and scientific libraries

Extensible core and specialized libraries to build vertical applications

Multiple operating system support: Linux, Windows, MAC Android, iOS

Multi-OS, multi-architecture support for Desktops and Servers

Clients for mobile platform

Clients for mobile platforms -------------------------------------------

End-to-end encryption

End-to-end encryption for all network communications

Multi-factor authentication, easy sign on, easy license and payment managment

Single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, license & payment management

Privacy focussed personal private cloud

Privacy focused -------------------------------------------

Learn More


Developed and hosted on QuICK, Gnoris enables you to backup and access your digital files (documents, photos, videos etc) onto and from your own personal server, aka a personal cloud. Gnoris also allows for the management of certain types of computer network (LAN) attached cameras that are capable of broadcasting video streams using the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and redirect those streams into 24/7 recordings on your designated storage drives. Gnoris' motion-detection algorithms can also detect and forward movement activated notifications to your mobile device.

Multiple operating system support: Linux, Windows, MAC Android, iOS
  • Gnoris Cloud: A secure and private personal cloud

  • Admin access with high configurability

  • Intuitive client device discovery

  • Flexible pricing
Backup digital files to harddrive, SSD
  • Create backup repositories with NAS, USB devices, internal HDDs & SSDs

  • Encrypted file storage

  • Convenient repo views and file sharing

24/7 security camera recording and motion-detection
  • 24/7 video surveillance recording software

  • Prioritized motion alarms

  • Critical outage and storage capacity notifications

  • Simplified history navigation

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Linux flavors (Ubuntu, Debian)

    Installation Guide

    User Guide

QuICK for Linux
Windows (Windows 10 and above)

    Installation Guide

    User Guide

QuICK for Windows
Mac OS

    Installation Guide

    User Guide

QuICK for MacOS

Enabling ideas in computing ...

Over the past few decades, computers have become powerful enough to perform meaningful scientific computational tasks in engineering and other design fields. Such high-performance computing machinery, once accessible predominantly only to universities and corporate R&D facilities, are now more readily available to almost anyone. Mostly owing to cheaper desktop and cloud-based computers equipped with multi-core CPUs and general purpose GPUs. Computational design software however has remained pricey and niche, as making complete offerings of such software requires diverse development resources that only large corporate organizations can afford. Although many individual and independent contributions exist they remain fragmented and commercially nonviable. This resource barrier to entry hinders the progress of modern day desktop and cloud-based scientific computing.

At Quantireal our mission is to change that status quo. As founders with a combined four plus decades in the field of scientific computing, in both academic and corporate R&D settings, we very well recognize the need for a solution to this problem. Even for our own product ideas. The QuICK platform is our solution to that problem. Through QuICK we strive to enable the development and deployment of commercial grade, scientific design and other kinds of applications. Read more about QuICK above to find out more.

Currently we are in a beta phase of testing QuICK and a first application on it called Gnoris. If you'd like to participate please send us an email (info@quantireal.com). You can also follow us on twitter to get the latest information.

Thank you!

Team Quantireal

Niranjana Doddamani

Niranjana Doddamani

Co-Founder & Co-CEO

Follow Niranjana Doddamani on Twitter Niranajana Doddamani

Prior to co-founding Quantireal, Niranjana spent 15 years developing simulation technology at companies like Ansys, Inc. (Fluent) and National Instruments, Inc. (AWR)

Niranjana has a Masters in Computational Engineering from Mississippi State University, and Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Rupa Chittineni

Rupa Chittineni

Co-Founder & Co-CEO

Follow Rupa Chittineni on Twitter Rupa Chittineni

Prior to co-founding Quantireal, Rupa spent nearly a decade as a Research Scientist at various research labs, including the leading airport security technology company, Rapiscan Laboratories. She has a Doctorate in Computer Engineering from University of California, Irvine, a Masters in Computer Science from Mississippi State University, and a Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Pune University


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